National Armaments Directors focus on key capability requirements

  • 29 Apr. 2010 - 30 Apr. 2010
  • |
  • Last updated: 05 May. 2010 08:40

National Armaments Directors from the 28 NATO member countries met for the biannual Conference of National Armaments Directors (CNAD) at the Alliance’s Headquarters in Brussels on 29 April.

Meeting of Conference of National Armaments Directors. Peter Flory, NATO Assistant Secretary General for Defence Investment (left) and Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Europe General Sir John McColl

Peter Flory, NATO Assistant Secretary General for Defence Investment and Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Europe General Sir John McColl

The CNAD focused on enhancing the development of key capabilities to address 21st century security threats. They looked at how to better support NATO operations and missions in Afghanistan, the Balkans, the Mediterranean Sea and off the Horn of Africa. The transformation of the CNAD structures and procedures in parallel with the development of the Alliance’s new Strategic Concept and ongoing reform efforts within NATO Headquarters was also an important topic.

Key topics

The CNAD explored the possibilities of current and future multinational projects in support of the Alliance’s operations, with particular consideration given to the budgetary effects of the economic crisis.

Moreover, the Conference heard from various speakers on the CNAD’s support for NATO operations and missions in areas such as: special operations forces, the Defence Against Terrorism Programme of Work, Counter Improvised Explosive Devices and Transatlantic Defence Industrial Co-operation.

Lastly, Armaments Directors have considered reports detailing the progress made in missile defence and the development of an Alliance Ground Surveillance (AGS) capability. They have also taken into account a report on the Alliance’s long-term capability requirements.