NATO Body Abbreviation | NATO body |
Country | Location |
ACO | Allied Command Operations | Belgium | Shape, Mons |
ACT | Allied Command Transformation | United States | Norfolk |
CMRE | Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation | Italy | La Spezia |
CSO | Collaboration Support Office | France | Neuilly-sur-Seine |
DIANA | Defence Innovation Accelerator for the North Atlantic | London | United Kingdom |
E-3A Component | NATO Airborne Early Warning & Control Force E-3A Component | Germany | Geilenkirchen |
HQ AIRCOM | Headquarters Allied Air Command | Germany | Ramstein |
HQ LANDCOM | Allied Land Command | Türkiye | Izmir |
IMS | International Military Staff | Belgium | Brussels |
IS | International Staff of NATO | Belgium | Brussels |
JFC HQ | Allied Joint Force Command Naples | Italy | Naples |
JFCBS | Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum | The Netherlands | Brunssum |
JWC | Joint Warfare Centre | Norway | Stavanger |
KFOR | Kosovo Force | Kosovo | Pristina |
MARCOM | Allied Maritime Command | United Kingdom | Northwood |
NAHEMA | NATO Helicopter Design & Development PLO Agency | France | Aix-en-Provence |
NAMEADSMA | NATO Medium Extended Air Defence System Management Agency | United States | Huntsville |
NAPMA | NATO AEW&C Programme Management Agency | The Netherlands | Brunssum |
NATO School | NATO School | Germany | Oberammergau |
NCIA | NATO Communications and Information Agency | Belgium |
Brussels |
NCIA | NATO Communications and Information Agency | The Netherlands | The Hague |
NCIA | NATO Communications and Information Academy | Portugal | Oeiras |
NDC | NATO Defense College | Italy | Rome |
NETMA | NATO EF2000 and Tornado Dev. Production and Logistics Management Agency | Germany | Munich |
NPC | NATO Programming Centre | Belgium | Glons |
NSA | NATO Standardization Agency | Belgium | Brussels |
NSPA | NATO Support and Procurement Agency | Hungary France Luxembourg |
Pápa (NAM) Versailles (CEPS) Capellen |