• Last updated: 07 Jan. 2025 16:39

Business Opportunities at NATO Headquarters

Welcome to NATO BizOpps Portal, a portal related to business opportunities such as solicitations of offers and requests for information issued by the Procurement Service of the NATO International Staff in Brussels, Belgium.

Our business opportunities relate to a wide variety of goods and services such as ICT services, construction works, facility management, maintenance, consultancy services, etc. In order to have a global overview of the business opportunities planned for the current year you can read the latest version of our Annual Procurement Plan (Excel download).

You can access the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Headquarters (NATO HQ) procurement portal that will allow you to access business opportunities, download document packages and submit bids and proposals to NATO digitally at https://nato.bonfirehub.com/portal/?tab=login

You may also review our General Terms and Conditions (PDF) (Version dated 27 Jun 2019 [FC-PROC(2012)0269-REV5)  and Frequently Asked Questions here.

Who can participate in NATO BizOpps

NATO Business Opportunities are normally restricted to firms or organizations that are registered in one of the NATO member nations. However, there may be exceptions to this general rule. The specific conditions of eligibility are established in the documentation of each business opportunity. The business opportunity documentation also specifies the bidding procedures, award approach, technical specifications, and any other provisions and terms and conditions applicable to the procurement action. The stated documentation also provides the contact details of the Procurement Officer responsible for the specific business opportunity.

How to participate in NATO BizOpps

Interested firms just need to complete the site registration process. Once the vendor registration process has been completed, firms will be able to participate in business opportunities by following the procedures specified in the relevant documentation.

If you are new to our BizOpps and experience issues while registering, please, start by reading the vendor knowledge database available here https://vendorsupport.gobonfire.com/hc/en-us.

When a new business opportunity is posted on the portal, those vendors that have shown interest in the categories and geographical areas relevant to the business opportunity will normally be informed through an automatic notification message generated by the portal and sent to the e-mail address specified in the vendor's registration form. To ensure that emails from Bonfire are not blocked as spam, please verify that "gobonfire.com" is white-listed on your email server. Consult with your IT department or Internet Service Provider for more information on how to do this.

Vendors are warned that NATO does not provide any guarantee of any kind regarding the proper operation of the stated notification process. NATO will accept no protests from interested parties regarding the failure to receive the stated notifications. It is the vendor's exclusive responsibility to visit the site periodically in order to verify if there are new business opportunities or changes to existing ones that may be of interest to them. NATO accepts no liability or blame for damages to any person or business entity because of the incorrect behavior of this website or any website linked to it.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is NATO HQ BizOpps Portal?

NATO HQ BizOpps Portal allows potential suppliers to access information about calls for bids (CFBs) issued by the NATO International Staff to procure goods and services for its operational needs.

How can I benefit from NATO HQ BizOpps Portal?

NATO HQ BizOpps Portal provides easy and free access to business opportunities. You may access and download call for bids solicitation documents.

Is there any restriction on the nationality of suppliers?

Companies wishing to be considered as NATO HQ suppliers must be established in NATO member countries.

In which languages are NATO HQ Calls For Bids published?

Information about every procurement is published in either English or French, NATO's two official languages, except in the case of International Calls for Bids (ICBs), where it is published in both NATO official languages.

In which languages should bids be submitted?

Bids by companies must be in one of NATO's two official languages, i.e. English or French.

How can I find out more regarding a particular Call For Bids?

For details concerning a particular Call For Bids, please click on the link provided in the column “Title of CFB”.

How much does it cost to access NATO HQ BizOpps Portal?

Use of NATO HQ CFB Online is absolutely free.

How do I contact the NATO International Staff Procurement Service?

You can contact us by e-mail: procurement.contracts@hq.nato.int