Updated: 14-Dec-2006 NATO Speeches


14 Dec. 2006

Opening statement

by NATO Secretary General, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer
at the meeting of the Council
Signature of the Partnership for Peace Framework Document by
Bosnia and Herzegovina

14 Dec. 2006 - NATO
Bosnia, Montenegro and Serbia join Partnership for Peace
Partnership for Peace

Good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen. Welcome to this meeting of the North Atlantic Council with Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Today we witness Bosnia and Herzegovina’s entry into NATO's Partnership for Peace. Let me welcome on behalf of the Council the Chairman of the Tri‑Presidency, Nebojsa Radmanović, who I will invite to sign the PfP Framework Document on behalf of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

This signature ceremony takes place on a very special date for Bosnia and Herzegovina. Eleven years ago, on 14 December 1995, the so-called Dayton Agreement was signed in Paris, putting an end to the bloodiest conflict on European soil since World War 2.

A lot has been said in the last years about Bosnia and Herzegovina moving from the ”Dayton era” into the “Brussels era”.

This ceremony here, today, provides the most vivid confirmation that, notwithstanding the difficulties encountered, this process is actually taking place.

La réussite du processus de réforme de la défense, qui a débouché sur la création d'une force militaire unique, est une réalisation majeure et témoigne des progrès que la Bosnie‑Herzégovine peut accomplir lorsque la volonté politique est suffisante.

J’espère maintenant que l’on pourra tirer parti de ce succès et qu’il pourra constituer une source d'inspiration pour les autres mesures capitales à prendre en vue de consolider l’État de Bosnie-Herzégovine.

Président Radmanović, le fait que la Bosnie-Herzégovine adhère aujourd’hui au Partenariat pour la paix montre que votre pays a un avenir euro-atlantique. Cette adh ésion est la reconnaissance d es initiatives déjà prises en matière de réforme et, je l’espère, un encouragement à poursuivre dans cette voie.

In taking this step, Allies reaffirm the importance that they attach to the values and principles set out in the EAPC and PfP basic documents, and notably expect Bosnia and Herzegovina to cooperate fully with the ICTY.  We will closely monitor your efforts in this regard.

There can be no doubt that your country has an important role to play in fostering stability and security in South-East Europe and more broadly. Allies and Partners are looking forward to working with you towards this goal.

Mr. President, the floor is yours.

Mr. President, I would like now to invite you to subscribe to the PfP Framework Document, thereby marking Bosnia and Herzegovina’s entry in Partnership for Peace.


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