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Updated: 28-Jun-2004 | NATO Speeches |
Istanbul, Turkey
28 June 2004 |
Opening remarks
by NATO Secretary General, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer
Welcome to the splendid city of Istanbul for NATO’s 17th Summit meeting. This is our first Summit following the recent enlargement of the Alliance. Let me therefore warmly welcome the Heads of State and Government of our seven new members – President Georgi Parvanov of Bulgaria, Prime Minister Juhan Parts of Estonia, President Vaira Vike-Freiberga of Latvia, President Arturas Paulauskas of Lithuania, President Ion Iliescu of Romania, President Ivan Gašparovič of Slovakia and Prime Minister Anton Rop of Slovenia. An Alliance that started out 55 years ago with twelve member nations now has grown to more than twice that number, illustrating the enduring value of the transatlantic link. 26 nations are now determined to defend our values and to pass them on to future generations. 26 Allies are also now joined in a commitment to defend each others’ security and territorial integrity. Our seven new members have shown consistently that they are ready for this commitment. They, in turn, can count on the solidarity of the other Allies. Je voudrais également souhaiter la bienvenue à M. Javier Solana, Haut Représentant de l'Union européenne pour la politique étrangère et de sécurité commune. Sa présence à ce Sommet témoigne de l'étroite coopération entre nos deux organisations. Lors de notre dernier Sommet, à Prague en 2002, nous avons présenté, sans jamais remettre en question notre attachement à la défense collective, le projet d'une nouvelle Alliance, une Alliance qui compte de nouveaux membres, se dote de nouvelles capacités et noue de nouveaux partenariats. Au cours des derniers 18 mois, cette nouvelle OTAN a non seulement pris forme mais a également agit. Nous n'avons pas faibli dans notre détermination à apporter la stabilité dans les pays des Balkans et à faciliter l'intégration euro-atlantique de ces Etats. Mais nous nous sommes aussi montrés fermement résolus à faire face aux risques et aux menaces pour notre sécurité bien au-delà de la zone d'opérations traditionnelle de l'OTAN. Nous avons pris la direction de la Force Internationale d'Assistance à la Sécurité, qui apporte paix et stabilité en Afghanistan. Les navires de l'OTAN patrouillent en Méditerranée pour y maintenir la sécurité. Et nous prêtons assistance à la division multinationale dirigée par la Pologne en Iraq. Nous avons démontré ainsi que l'OTAN a le potentiel de projeter la stabilité bien au-delà de son champ d'action habituel, lorsque les Alliés estiment d'un commun accord que cela est nécessaire. Mais il est évident que nous avons encore un travail important à accomplir pour pousser plus avant l'adaptation de l'Alliance à l'environnement de sécurité du XXIe siècle. Our decisions here today will give further shape and substance to the new NATO – and ensure that it can play its new roles to the full. They will ensure that NATO has the political and military tools available to continue to shape international security for the better – and that our means will continue to match our missions. The logo of our Istanbul Summit depicts a bridge, and this is no coincidence. Through the centuries, Istanbul has been a real bridge – not just between continents, but also between cultures, religions and civilisations. Throughout its 55-year history, NATO has performed a bridging role as well. And we will reaffirm that role, and enhance it, at our meeting here today. We will reinforce the vital transatlantic link that our Alliance embodies. We will enhance our partnership with countries across Europe and into Central Asia. And we will build new bridges to the Mediterranean and the Middle East. We have a busy agenda for our Summit. It demonstrates just how central NATO has become to ensuring our common security. And it reflects the reality of transatlantic cooperation in NATO today: America and Europe united in a strong Alliance – committed to defend and to promote our common values and shared interests, in the Euro-Atlantic area and beyond. President Sezer, on behalf of all your guests here, let me
thank you, and through you to the Turkish people, for the warm hospitality
we enjoy here in Istanbul. A special thanks also for the wonderful dinner
you hosted last night. Would you like to take the floor for your opening