Updated: 06-Apr-2004 NATO Speeches


2 Apr. 2004


by Franco Frattini, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Italy
and President d'Honneur of the North Atlantic Council
at the Ceremonial Session of the North Atlantic Council
on the Occasion of the Accession of Seven New Members to the Alliance

02/04/2004 - NATO
Ceremony to mark the accession to NATO

Mr. Secretary General, Dear Colleagues,

For the first time, the flags of Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia are flying over the NATO Headquarters. Today we celebrate an event that will stand out in the history of the Atlantic Alliance and the history of Europe. At the dawn of a new century, the entry of seven new members into the Alliance extends the area of stability on our continent. It also confirms that the divisions of the past have been overcome. And it enables us to view the future of Europe with new confidence.

For more than fifty years, the Allies have faced major challenges together. We have shared risks and responsibilities, working in a common framework able to take into account different positions and opinions. All this is possible because of our dedication to a shared set of democratic, liberal beliefs. Our shared heritage of values and ideals has kept us united even in the most difficult moments. This heritage remains the foundation of the Euro-Atlantic community. It is the most profound reason that you, today, are joining the Alliance.

In regard to our current security situation, the accession of new members effectively symbolizes the renewal of solidarity between Europe and North America as we face the new threats confronting us.

The cowardly and savage attack in Madrid on March 11 - an attack that forced Europe to relive the tragedy of September 11 was a dramatic reminder that the threat is real and close at hand. Terrorism, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, fanaticism and intolerance, illegal trafficking — these are dangers that call for a determined, effective response from all of us. No single country can deal with these complex threats alone.

Instead, we must gather together and, with a far-sighted perspective, join efforts to meet these treacherous, complex challenges. The stakes are high. We know we cannot fail.

With this spirit, we look ahead to the Istanbul Summit, where the Alliance must strengthen its political dimension in order to define a coherent, comprehensive political strategy for meeting today's security challenges, and to complete the process of transformation begun at the Prague Summit. With the same spirit, we count on the support of our Partners, from Russia to the Mediterranean, in order to promote a large cooperative security framework.

We are encouraged by the fact that now we can also rely on your commitment, your resolve and your contributions. We are sure that the energy that brought you here will be a crucial help as we all continue to act, as Allies, for a peaceful, stable, and prosperous future.


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