Gen. Sherali Khairullaev , Minister of National Defence of Tajikistan
at the EAPC Defence Ministers meeting
Mr. Secretary -General, Distinguished colleagues,
I have particular pleasure to participate today at EAPC Session and
address to you.
Last development of the world and active; participation of Tajikistan
in main events related to international security are served as a base
for Tajikistan to joint February 20, 2002 to NATO Program "Partnership
for peace". In the past our contacts with NATO were episodic, but
now for our new independent state is time to develop more active cooperation
with NATO.
Taking this opportunity to address at the Defence Ministerial Session
of EAPC I'd like to inform you about Tajikistan's position with regard
to some regional issues and measures to be taken by our countries, interested
in maintenance stable peace. Initiatives of Tajikistan in the field of
fighting against international terrorism and religious extremism often
are subject of particular attention of world community.
Tajikistan on its bitter experience know; impact of international terrorism.
As a matter of fact it was first resistance against Islamic fundamentalists.
Tajikistan became like advanced post in fighting against terrorism and
religious extremism. It played role of buffer zone for CIS and Europe.
Escalation of tension in the region was made by terrorist organizations
and movements, including "Taliban" and "Al-Qaida".
Open by then training centers in Afghanistan provided fighters and terrorists,
actively participated in conflict which cased death of 150.000 Tajiks.
Moreover drugs and smuggled arms swept out the country. During this years
Tajikistan was sole country in the region, rejected any contacts \/with
Talibs. As a matter of fact, we alone resisted these threats.
All this time Tajikistan tries to bring attention of world community
attention to situation in Afghanistan. Even in 1998 The President of Tajikistan,
E.Rakhmonov during his speech in UN General Assembly made proposal to
create "'security zone" around Afghanistan. It is great pity,
that our appeals were not heard at that time World stirred after tragic
event in USA only. In September 11, 2002 world clearly understand principle
of security indivisibility. It was clear, that freedom is fragile when
it is under attack of insane fanatics.
After starting of antiterrorist Tajikistan had no to change its policy
as some others ones. Country being adhering to its original position of
rejecting all kind forms of terrorism and extremism, it actively supported
antiterrorist coalition. Tajikistan assists in conduction operation in
Afghanistan by providing its infrastructure for US Army and allied countries.
Arm Forces of Tajikistan shifted at new level its relations with partners
from NATO member states. Several joint training of Tajik and French landing
forces has seen successfully conducted. First steps have been taken to
develop cooperation in the field of staff training with such countries
as US, Germany, France.
Process of peace establishment and economic development in Afghanistan
includes wide spectrum of tasks, affecting interests of many countries.
Solidarity among world community can play key role in successful development
of peace process. We consider Afghanistan as one state and strongly condemn
any ideas concerning so called federalization and any attempts to dismember
on the base of ethnic belonging.
According to our opinion EAPC needs to be more active in this regard.
Today, addressing to you I'd like to briefly inform you about real situation
in defence and security spheres, as well as tasks of Ministry of Defence.
Armed Forces of Tajikistan started to form in 1993 and considered as
very young Army in the region. It has nothing from equipment left by Soviet
Army. It was forming with nil and during civil war in our country. We
were forced to form our National Army and to fight at the same time.
Talking about natural factors and environment, it is necessary to mention,
that 93% of our territory is mountain area. Every years we faced with
natural disasters, such as earthquake, landslide e.t c. Among such natural
disasters of en country suffered from drought.
Besides natural factors, our country has to eliminate negative consequences
of civil war. During war many places in the South of our country were
mined chaotically, without any maps Mines field appeared during 1993-1997
are particular dangerous. According to estimation made by Defence Ministry
officials 2.500km2 of territory and about 600km- of roads in the country
should be examined and cleared. To solve tins problem, we destroyed since
1994 more than 10.000 explosives, more 180km2 of territory and 50 roads
were cleared. Due to lack of necessary financial and technical means we
have serious difficulties in finding and destruction of mines. As a result
we have many civilian died and injured.
Goals of Civil Emergency Planning in the frame of EAPC and Partnership
for Peace are prohibition of mines using, their destruction and cooperation
aimed on prevention of natural disasters. We consider these issues as
a basis for development of our cooperation.
Ministry of Defence considers the following trends as an appropriate
to develop cooperation with countries members of EAPC:
- Participation in fight against international terrorism;
- Elaboration of joint program aimed on mines cleaning;
- Peacekeeping issues;
- Environmental protection;
- Training programs.
In conclusion, I'd like to mention, that due to to efforts of our President
Mr-E.Rakhmonov and all Tajiks we were able to establish last peace and
create necessary conditions to develop economy. We are open for our friends
and partners for mutual cooperation.
We hope such attitude will be supported by our partners.
Thank you;