7 June 2002
the Army General Altynbayev,
Minister of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Honorable Chairman!
Dear ladies and gentlemen!
First of all I'd like to express my appreciation to NATO leadership
for an excellent arrangement of this meeting.
I also want to attract the attention of the respectable colleges
to the importance of held in Kazakhstan, on June, 4 and 5 sammit
Conference on interoperability and trust measures in Asia, in
which participated representatives from 16 different countries,
including leaders from Russia, China, Afghanistan, India, Pakistan
and other Nations.
Such documents as Almaty Act, reflected the common will of the
participants on providing peace and security in Asia, Declaration
on struggle against terrorism and assisting to the dialog between
civilizations became a result of the Conference.
It is can be stressed that it was very important event for all
Asian countries and other peoples fates, Mr. Nazarbayev, the
President of the Republic of Kazakhstan was the initiator of
this conference, which can become the key element in stability
all over the world and in the region.
This is inevitably responds to the goals of the joint work in
Talking about our views on conditions and future of EAPC development,
I'd like to mention some aspects of this issue with taking into
account gained experience and wishes passed by the NATO General
Secretary Lord Robertson in his letter.
EAPC activities, on the ministers of defense level are undoubtedly
very important first of all, because we hove opportunity to
share our points of view with the colleagues from NATO countries
and our partners on important problems of global and regional
security, struggle against terrorism, organized crime and drug
Consultations in the frame of EAPC lead us to the transparency
and trust between the participants with respect to security
issues. They also assist to prevent the conflicts and settle
the crisis as well as develop the practical activities.
Now, when the events tafcen place in Afghanistan compel, the
world community attention, it is very important to join our
efforts to achieve peace
and stability in the region. It is also very important to understand
that integrity plays the significant role in reaching security.
In this aspect the role ofEAPC is invaluable and it is also
a link between alliance countries and partners nations.
Furthermore, the new challenges to the world security that appeared
after September, 11, last year, have caused an exigency in partner
states military organizations transition into the new feature.
In the course of the armed forces reorganization the conducting
of alterations that would let them to endow in regulation of
the crisis situations; including the changes that have transboundary
character is a paramount goal. For instance, in our opinion,
it would be very useful to ORGANIZE combined courses for the
military personnel from anti-terrorist units with NATO and partner
countries experts participation.
Bilateral programs, that a conducted with individual partner
nations allowed to play an important role ill assisting them
on making decisions on dimensioned, conceptual and practical
problems of the military reform. Hereby, the partners role has
been greatly increased in PFP activities, especially in connection
with creating "partnership staff elements" in some
NATO headquarters, where alliance and partner countries officers
jointly and on the continuing basis carry out International
Staff tasks.
Once more I'd like to confirm you about our adherence to the
practical cooperation in the frame of EAPC and PFP program.
Today we make it our aim to create deep and more operative relationship
with partners, that will be directed to further stability strengthening,
mutual trust and our states security.
At the same time we should take into account that specific peculiarities
of each Nation, such as political, economic and even geographical
carry in essential corrections in collaboration level and rates
That is why we can see availability of EAPC development in approaching
each participant, each Nation individually taking into account
all circumstances, that have internal and external nature.
As for as Kazakhstan concerns, we, being in the immediate vicinity
of instability centers, are taking all necessary measures to
maintain stability in the region. It is clearly shown by Kazakhstan
input into the anti-terrorist operation in Afghanistan through
putting at aviation coalition disposal of air space on grant.
Contribution of Kazakhstan on providing humanitarian aids to
Afghanistan is also very essential.
As far as the development of the interoperability with NATO
concerns, I'd like to say that Kazakhstan is accomplishing the
process of joining the PARP program. We sent all necessary information
for preparation preliminary goals of Partnership to NATO. In
the nearest future we intend to invite NATO experts to make
a practical evaluation of the strength and funds for participation
in activities in the frame of PFP.
Operative information exchange and situation monitoring in the
region play an important part in strengthening our cooperation.
In this connection we are also intend to consider with NATO
experts an issue on opening NATO Informational Center in Kazakhstan
with giving to it a status of a regional one. Tins Center will
allow to widen geography of
cooperation and to get information on Alliance transformations
in proper time.
In conclusion, I'd like to emphasize that our common goal is
not to miss given to us opportunity to strengthen our mutual
relations by means of developing and creating new consultations
mechanism, making combined decisions and coordinated actions.
Thank for your attention.
