"Preparing NATO for the 21st Century"
Keynote Address
by Dr. Javier Solana, Secretary General of NATO
Admiral Gehman,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
It gives me great pleasure to address this international maritime
The theme of my remarks this morning is "preparing NATO for the 21st
century". I would like to divide my remarks in three parts. First,
what are the challenges we need to prepare for? Second, how do we
respond? And third, what tools do we use to respond?
First, a word about the challenges. What will the early 21st century
bring? What will be its main characteristics? Let me suggest a few.
We will see the trend towards globalization accelerate further.
Means of communications and transport will connect different areas of
this planet in entirely new ways. Information, people, goods, money -
everything will travel faster and with more immediate consequences.
Our societies will become more transparent, more open, more creative.
And more economic and social interaction will generate more economic
prosperity and a greater cooperation among nations.
These are some of the positive trends that globalisation will bring.
But it will also bring challenges of an entirely new nature. Greater
interdependence means that we are more vulnerable to developments
that occur in different parts of the world. We cannot stand aloof or
indifferent and pretend that our economies, our societies - and our
security - can somehow be totally insulated from what happens
elsewhere. Certainly not in a world where, as we see everyday in the
newspapers, the impact of events on one side of the world can be felt
right around the globe. We need to step forward and manage the
challenges, not retreat before them or wait for them to confront us.
What does this concept of globalisation imply for the security issues
that we face? How will it affect European security?
First of all, I believe that the European continent itself will
continue to be characterised by two contradictory trends: integration
and fragmentation.
On the integrative side: the process of European integration as
manifested in the European Union will continue to deepen and widen.
The EU will become an ever-stronger foundation of stability - not
just for its member countries but more widely across the continent
and internationally. Monetary union within the EU will turn the new
Euro into the second most important international currency. And the
EU is pursuing an active enlargement process of its own. As a
result, more and more countries in Central and Eastern Europe will
move westwards, so to speak.
As the links and relations develop between EU members and their
European neighbours, a widening pattern of stability and prosperity
will itself generate greater confidence and security - broadly
understood - in these countries. Hopefully, this pattern will
continue to include a democratic,market-oriented and reformist
Russia. And - in time - I can see it extending to include democratic
countries in the Balkans.
These encouraging signs notwithstanding, we still see, unfortunately,
in the Balkan region, the Caucasus and other regions signs of ethnic,
social and political conflict. Whatever their root causes, their
potential for conflict means that our work in building security and
stability throughout the wider Euro-Atlantic region is not finished.
As in the global context, we cannot remain aloof or indifferent to
this potential for conflict, whether it exists in the more remote
regions of this continent or closer to home, as in the Balkans. We -
the international community and international organisations - must be
ready to help manage conflicts and mitigate their effects.
These are some of the challenges. How do we respond to them?
Nobody has all the answers. But let me define what, in my view, is
essential in helping us find the right solutions.
First, Europe and North America must stick together. We cannot cope
with globalisation if our security approach - or indeed our economic
approach - is marked by fragmentation. The challenges of the 21st
century will affect all of us; but managing them far exceeds the
capabilities of individual nation-states. So security remains a team
effort. And there is no stronger team than North America and Europe.
Secondly, the challenges of the next century suggest that our
security policies must become increasingly proactive. We will always
have our share of surprises - let there be no mistake. But many
problems and potential conflicts can be anticipated, and many
solutions can be devised, before it is too late. From preventive
military deployments to economic assistance - there are many tools we
have at our disposal. In short, we are not condemned to be the
victims of events that lie beyond our control. We can shape the
future - whether the challenges are those I mentioned earlier of
globalisation or of Euro-Atlantic security.
Thirdly, the challenges I outlined put a premium on military
competence. We in NATO no longer need, thankfully, to concern
ourselves with the all-or-nothing scenarios of the Cold War. But
without our military credibility and capability, Bosnia would still
be at war. Partnership for Peace would not have gained the powerful
momentum it has. Nor would we be able to uphold international
stability in the face of the proliferation of weapons of mass
This brings me to the third part of my remarks - what are the tools
we have at our disposal? One is our Alliance. In my view, NATO is
the only framework which combines the three key elements of
successful security management. Only NATO combines transatlantic
cohesion, proactive policies and military competence. And it does
so in a framework that is not static, but dynamic. Let me elaborate
on these three key elements of NATO's past, present, and we hope,
future success.
First, the transatlantic relationship remains at the core of our
security. But to preserve it means to adapt it. We cannot escape
the fact that the United States is a global power. As such its
interests extend globally in a way that few other countries, if any,
can match. But in future, the US may not wish to take the lead in
each and every contingency that may arise on the European continent.
European Allies have increasingly indicated a desire to play a
security role commensurate with Europe's growing economic strength.
Both developments point to a new transatlantic bargain - a bargain
which better reflects the transatlantic realities of 2000 and beyond.
We have made great strides in implementing such a new bargain - a
bargain including the creation of a European Security and Defence
Identity in NATO. The arrangements we have developed with the Western
European Union for European-led operations provide us with new
political and military options. Politically, these new arrangements
make sense because they reflect Europe's growing weight and
responsibility in maintaining security on this continent.
Militarily, the arrangements make sense, because they ensure that a
stronger European voice develops organically from within NATO, and
does not require wasteful duplication.
A second key to second NATO's success in the next century will be its
continued pursuit of proactive policies. Our recent performance in
this department has been strong. NATO's enlargement, Partnership for
Peace, the new relationships with Russia and Ukraine, the
Mediterranean dialogue - all these policies and initiatives are
forward-looking and far-reaching.
The enlargement of Alliance membership projects self-confidence and
security into an area historically prone to uncertainty and conflict.
Our outreach - manifested in PfP and the Euro-Atlantic Partnership
Council - rallies dozens of nations behind a common security
standard. NATO's relationship with Russia helps ensure that Russia
plays an important and constructive role in European security and
that we can cooperate on matters of mutual concern. Our distinct
relationship with Ukraine assists this young nation in finding its
own way into the European mainstream. And the Mediterranean dialogue
sends a clear signal to our Southern neighbours that we do not
consider the Mediterranean a new divide.
All of these relationships are long-term projects. None of them
will mature overnight. Together, however, they will steadily
transform Euro-Atlantic security for the better. Whether we focus
on SFOR, or on the joint NATO-Russia statement condemning India's
and Pakistan's nuclear tests, or on NATO ships visiting Albanian
ports - each case is another step closer to a Euro-Atlantic
community that can confidently face the challenges of a new century.
Let me say a few words about Russia. The entire international
community, as well as Russia's own political leaders, recognise that
the political and economic crisis afflicting Russia today is serious.
Its origins and its eventual solution lie in the hands of the Russian
people and its government, not in the hands of outsiders, however
concerned and supportive they may be. This is a defining moment for
Russia and the course of Russia's evolution is of great concern to
all of us. A democratic Russia can count on the support of the
Alliance. All Allies are resolute in this. Despite the present
difficulties, I hope the Russian people will stay on track, and
continue their political and economic reforms.
Through good and bad times, our channels of communication, of
consultation and cooperation, established through the NATO/Russia
Founding Act, will remain open. Today, through the Permanent Joint
Council, the Alliance and Russia discuss a wide range of security
issues in Europe - from Kosovo and Bosnia to expert meetings on
non-proliferation and defence conversion. The new NATO-Russia
relationship in all its dimensions gives us the confidence that if
difficult weather should approach, we always have a calm and
protected port.
Turning now to the third area of NATO's unique contribution -
military competence: here, too, the record is good. We need only
to look at SFOR in Bosnia to realise that NATO remains a unique
military actor - at land, air and sea. Only NATO could have drawn up
an operation of such magnitude, one that involves so many non-NATO
countries and international organisations, and yet runs smoothly and
To maintain the level of competence we will need to continue to
devote adequate resources to ensure that we have the necessary
capabilities to work together as Allies and partners to face these
Let me dwell for a moment on Bosnia.
As you know, in a week's time there will be national elections. The
outcome of these elections will have major consequences for the
future of this new nation. For the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina,
this election is their opportunity to vote for leaders who represent
the future, not the past. It is the opportunity to show to the world
that democracy has taken firm root in this war-torn country. It is
the opportunity to show that the work of the past two years in
democratic institution-building, in reconstruction, in
reconciliation, is paying off. We in the international community
must renew our pledge at this important time that we will not forsake
those in Bosnia who are seeking to break free from the past. NATO
will help those who support Dayton. We will act robustly against
those who try to obstruct it. And we will not relent in pursuing
justice for the perpetrators of war crimes.
Let me also use this opportunity to say a few things on the ongoing
Kosovo crisis.
Belgrade's oppressive policies concerning Kosovo have not only
resulted in many lost lives. They have also created a huge refugee
problem that has all the signs of a humanitarian disaster. It can
only get worse as winter approaches. The international community
cannot, nor will not, stay indifferent to this crisis.
The entire international community must redouble its efforts in
getting the two parties to a political settlement. In the last few
days there has been a procedural breakthrough which offers the
possibility that talks between the parties can begin soon. I very
much hope that they will. NATO stands ready to support international
diplomacy to find a lasting political solution in Kosovo - a solution
that meets the aspirations of the Kosovar Albanian population within
the unity of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. NATO has completed
planning for a range of military options - as directed by our
Ministers. This planning gives our political leaders great
flexibility in the implementation of military options, should they be
required. We are ready to act.
The Alliance has at the same time taken major efforts to stabilise
the situation in neighbouring countries. Both Albania and the Former
Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia have, in response to the crisis,
made use of the consultation opportunities provided by Partnership
for Peace. We have stepped up our military assistance programme to
each of them. With Albania we have just concluded a revised
Partnership Programme that will help bolster stability in this
country. We are also supporting the United Nations' humanitarian
relief efforts in Albania.
The exercises we have held in recent months in Albania and the former
Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia have political as well as military
significance. In just a few days time we will be holding another
significant exercise in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.
These exercises demonstrate that we will help our Partners in an
These exercises also demonstrate that NATO's military forces are
adapting to meet new challenges such as those posed by the
disintegration of the former Yugoslavia. And in this new role, an
important part is played by the Alliance's maritime forces.
Port visits, such as the one by STANAVFORMED to Durres, Albania, in
July show the Alliance's commitment to strong ties with Partners,
including in times of crisis. Operation Sharp Guard made it clear to
all that naval forces can contribute significantly to crisis
management in meeting today's challenges. Embargo operations and
surveillance are but two of the sort of tasks that maritime forces
can carry out.
The concept of Maritime Immediate Reaction Forces - like the Standing
Naval Force Mediterranean - has proved its viability for a wide
spectrum of warfare and crisis management. Their flexibility,
versatility, endurance and multinationality make NATO's maritime
forces especially well-equipped for the new security requirements of
the next century. Yesterday I had the privilege to visit the US
submarine San Juan and to see at first hand the impressive
capabilities of NATO's naval forces. To their operational
flexibility, one can add their political visibility - an important
factor in 21st century crisis management.
Admiral Gehman,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
In my remarks this morning I have focussed a lot on risks and
challenges. Any responsible security policy must do so. But I do
not want to be misunderstood as a pessimist. So let me conclude by
stating very clearly: the opportunities the next century offers us
far outweigh the risks. If we make the right decisions now, and if we
create the right instruments to shape this new strategic environment,
then we have every reason to believe that we can master whatever
challenge the next century will hold in store. So is NATO prepared
for the 21st century? I would say - yes, emphatically, it is!
Thank You.