At the Council
meeting with
H.E. the
President of
Mr. Adamkus

April 23rd, 1998


Speaking notes

of Ambassador Dr. Hermann Frhr. von Richthofen


In my capacity as acting Dean of the North Atlantic Council I, too, would like to extend a most cordial welcome to you on behalf of my colleagues on the Council and join our Secretary General in congratulating you on your election as President of Lithuania. We are all looking forward to a continued fruitful cooperation with your country under your Presidency in the framework of our NATO fora. In particular, Mr President, we attach great importance to the Intensified Dialogue in line with the Madrid Summit Declaration. Your country, whose wish to join the Alliance is well known, has been fostering close relations with NATO. It became a member of PfP at an early stage, after it had previously signed the Framework Document in January 1994. Since then, Lithuania has played an active part in this context. But your country also participates in PARP, and it has concluded and ratified the Status of Forces Agreement as well as a Security Agreement with NATO. The Alliance greatly values Lithuania's engagement for the sake of enhanced security and stability in Europe, as is proven by its contribution to SFOR.


Afin de complter ce bref tour d'horizon, je voudrais galement souligner l'importante contribution de la Lituanie dans la coopration rgionale avec ses voisins, en particulier dans le cadre des BALTBAT (bataillon de maintien de la paix), BALTRON (dtection de mines) et BALTNET (surveillance commune de l'espace arien).

Depuis votre entre en fonction comme prsident, en fvrier dernier, vous soutenez avec fermet l'intgration de la Lituanie dans "la famille europenne", et ce non seulement pour des raisons conomiques et de scurit mais aussi dans une optique culturelle.

J'ai l'honneur et le plaisir de vous accueillir parmi nous, au Conseil de l'Atlantique Nord, pour un change de vues que nous attendons avec grand intrt.

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