October 1997
Chapter 1: NATO Logistics
Logistic Functions
106. It is important to recognize that the various
logistic functions come together to form the totality of logistics
support. A NATO logistician of one discipline will often work with a
staff officer of another discipline and, as a very minimum, will
have to appreciate the other's responsibilities and problems.
For example, logistic planning originates in national, NATO or MNC
policy guidance and has to be coordinated with all the
staff branches concerned, whether they be operational,
administrative or logistic, military or civil. A brief examination of
the main functions of logistics shows this clearly.
Materiel Function of Logistics
107. Production or acquisition logistics covers materiel, from
the first phase of the life cycle to its final disposal from the
inventory. The first part of the cycle, from specification, design
and production is clearly a function of production logistics.
Reception of the equipment into service, its distribution and
storage, repair, maintenance and disposal are clearly a consumer
logistic task. However, the initial design of the equipment which is
part of production logistics has to take account of the consumer
aspects of repair and maintenance, and therefore involves both
Supply Function of Logistics
108. Supply covers all materiel and items used in the
equipment, support and maintenance of military forces
(classes of supply are listed at Annex A). The supply
function includes the determination of stock levels, provisioning,
distribution and replenishment.
Maintenance and Repair Function of Logistics
109. Maintenance means all actions to retain the materiel
in or restore it to a specified condition. The operational
effectiveness of land, naval and air forces will depend to a great
extent on a high standard of preventive maintenance, in peacetime, of
the equipment and associated materiel in use. Repair includes
all measures taken to restore materiel to a serviceable condition
in the shortest possible time.
110. Battle Damage Repair (BDR) is an important element
in maintaining materiel availability during operations. It is
designed to restore damaged materiel to a battleworthy condition,
irrespective of the cause of the failure, as quickly as possible.
Damage assessment has to be done rapidly and must not always require
the use of automated test equipment or sophisticated tools. The
considerations are primarily aimed at limiting the damage,
determining the cause of the damage, establishing a plan for damage
repair, and minimizing the risk to equipment and operators. Once
the operational mission has been accomplished, BDR must be
followed by specialized maintenance or repair to restore the
equipment to fully serviceable condition.
Service Function of Logistics
111. The provision of manpower and skills in support
of combat troops or logistic activities includes a wide range
of services such as combat resupply, map distribution,
labour resources, postal and courier services, canteen, laundry
and bathing facilities, burials, etc. These services may be
provided either to one's own national forces or to those of another
nation and their effectiveness depends on close cooperation
between operational, logistic and civil planning staffs.
Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Function of Logistics
112. EOD involves the investigation, detection,
location, marking, initial identification and reporting of
suspected unexploded ordnance, followed by the on-site
evaluation, rendering safe, recovery and final disposal of
unexploded explosive ordnance. It may also include explosive
ordnance which has become hazardous by damage or deterioration.
The NATO EOD Technical Information Centre (EODTIC)
holds records of all past and present ammunition and explosives,
and provides an immediate advisory service on EOD problems.
Movement and Transportation Function of Logistics
113. It is a requirement that a flexible capability exists to
move forces in a timely manner within and between theatres to
undertake the full spectrum of Alliance roles and missions. It also
applies to the logistic support necessary to mount and sustain
Engineering Function of Logistics
114. The area of logistic engineering, while not exclusively
a logistic function will require close coordination with logistics
as the mission is very closely aligned with logistics in terms
of facilitating the logistic mission of opening lines of
communication and constructing support facilities. The engineering
mission bridges the gap from logistics to operations and is closely
related to the ultimate success of both. The acquisition,
construction and operation of facilities forms the basis for the
NISP. This is the term generally used in NATO for installations and
facilities for the support of military forces.
Medical Function of Logistics
115. This function entails the provision of an efficient
medical support system to treat and evacuate sick, injured and
wounded personnel, minimise man days lost due to injury and illness,
and return casualties to duty. An effective medical support system
is thus considered a potential force multiplier. Though
medical support is normally a national responsibility, planning must
be flexible and consider coordinated multinational approaches
to medical support. The degree of multinationality will
vary depending on the circumstances of the mission, and be
dependent upon the willingness of nations to participate in any
aspect of integrated medical support.
Contracting Function of Logistics
116. Contracting has become increasingly important to
the conduct of operations, particularly when operating
beyond NATO's area of responsibility. It is a significant tool that
may be employed to gain fast access to in-country resources by
procuring the supplies and services that the NATO Commander requires.
Budget and Finance Function of Logistics
117. The areas of budget and finance
impact virtually every aspect of logistic operations. The funding and
budget policies to pay for deployment and sustainment and
redeployment are unique. While nations are generally expected to
finance their own operations, the specifics of each operation will
determine the type and amount of NATO funding for that support. Often
items selected for NATO funding include support of various
NATO headquarters and theatre-wide infrastructure improvements.