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Updated: 02-May-2007 | NATO On-line library |
NATO Handbook
Table of Contents
Part I An introduction to the Alliance
What is NATO? 15
The origins of the Alliance 16
NATO’s fundamental security tasks 18
Facing the changing security environment 20
Conclusion 29
Part II Chapter 1: The principal policy and decision-making institutions 33 Chapter 2: Crisis management 4 Chapter 3: The defence planning dimension 51 Chapter 4: Common-funded resources, budgets and financial management 57 Chapter 5: Nuclear policy 65 Chapter 6: The economic dimension 67
Part III NATO’s civilian and military structures Chapter 7: Civilian organisation and structures 73 Chapter 8: The International Staff's key functions 77 Chapter 9: Military organisation and structures 85 Chapter 10: The International Military Staff's key functions 101 Chapter 11: Specialised organisations and agencies 107 Chapter 12: Key to the principal NATO committees and policy bodies 111
Part IV The Alliance’s role in peacekeeping and peace-support operations Chapter 13: NATO’s role in Bosnia-Herzegovina 143 Chapter 14: The Kosovo conflict and the role of KFOR 149 Chapter 15: NATO’s role in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia* 153 Chapter 16: NATO’s role in Afghanistan 155 Chapter 17: NATO’s role in Iraq 159 Chapter 18: NATO’s role in Darfur 163
Part V Combating new threats and developing new capabilities Chapter 19: The Alliance’s role in the fight against terrorism and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction 167 Chapter 20: New capabilities 175
Part VI The opening up of the Alliance to new member countries Chapter 21: The enlargement process 183 Chapter 22: The Membership Action Plan 189
Part VII Chapter 23: The Euro-Atlantic Partnership: the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council and the Partnership for Peace 193 Chapter 24: NATO and Russia 209 Chapter 25: NATO and Ukraine 219 Chapter 26: Cooperation with countries in the Mediterranean region and the broader Middle East 229 Chapter 27: Cooperation with countries in southeastern Europe 237
Part VIII Chapter 28: The strategic partnership between NATO and the European Union 243
Part IX The wider institutional framework for security Chapter 29: NATO’s relations with the United Nations 255 Chapter 30: NATO and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe 259 Chapter 31: Cooperation with other international organisations 263 Chapter 32: Cooperation with parliamentary and non-governmental organisations 267
Part X Programmes, activities, organisations and agencies Chapter 33: Air defence 275 Chapter 34: Airborne early warning 279 Chapter 35: Airspace and air traffic management 283 Chapter 36: Armaments cooperation and planning 285 Chapter 37: Arms control and disarmament 289 Chapter 38: Civil emergency planning 297 Chapter 39: Communication and information systems 303 Chapter 40: Education and training 307 Chapter 41: Electronic warfare 317 Chapter 42: Logistics 319 Chapter 43: Meteorology 329 Chapter 44: Military oceanography 331 Chapter 45: Public Diplomacy communications and information programmes 333 Chapter 46: Public Diplomacy scientific and environmental programmes 339 Chapter 47: Research and technology 347 Chapter 48: Standardization 349
Appendices Appendix 1 355 Appendix 2 371 Appendix 3 377
Publisher note The NATO Handbook is published by the NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division under the authority of the Secretary General as a reference book on the Alliance and on Alliance policies. The formulations used reflect as closely as possible the consensus among the member nations which is the basis for all Alliance decisions. However, the Handbook is not a formally agreed NATO document and therefore may not represent the official opinions or positions of individual governments on every issue discussed. The Public Diplomacy Division would like to thank the members of the International Staff who contributed their time and expertise to this edition of the NATO Handbook. The Division would also like to thank Mr Nicholas Sherwen, who was the originator of the NATO Handbook. With his dedication and understanding of the Alliance, he has guided readers over the years through the intricacies of this ever-changing organisation.
NOTE: References made in this Handbook to the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia are marked with an asterisk (*) referring to the following footnote: Turkey recognises the Republic of Macedonia with its constitutional name.
© NATO - OTAN 2007 - | NATO Public Diplomacy Division 1110 Brussels, Belgium - E-mail: natodoc@hq.nato.int |