Gender Perspectives in the Armed Forces - Publications
- 2022: Military Guidelines on the Prevention of, and Response to, Conflict-Related Sexual Violence (25 May 2022) (PDF/331Kb)
- 2017: BI-Strategic Command Directive (BI-SCD) 40-1 – 2 revision, public version (PDF/679Kb)
- 2016 Military guidelines on the prevention of, and response to, CR SGBV (PDF/1.9Mb)
- Terms of Reference: Committee on Gender Perspectives (Jan 2014) (.PDF/306KB)
- 2012: BI-Strategic Command Directive (BI-SCD) 40-1 – 1 revision (PDF/270Kb)
- 2011: Indicators (adapted in Rome November 2011) (PDF/22Kb)
- 2011: How can gender make a difference to security in operations (PDF/754Kb)
- 2010: Template for pre-deployment gender training (PDF/667Kb)
- 2009: Gender Training and Education: Recommendations on implementation of UNSCR 1325 (PDF/549Kb)
- 2008: Improving the gender balance (18 Nov 2008) (.PDF/7,5 MB)
- 2007: Guidance for NATO Gender Mainstreaming (.PDF/45KB)