4 Entries

15 Apr. 2011

Active engagement in cooperative security: a more efficient and flexible partnership policy - 15 Apr 2011 (PDF/27Kb)

Over the past two decades, NATO has reached out to partners to help build<BR>cooperative security together. The results have proven the value, and the importance, of<BR>this broad cooperation. NATO’s partnerships make a clear and valued contribution to<BR>Allied security, to international security more broadly and to defending and advancing the<BR>values of individual liberty, democracy, human rights and the rule of law, on which the<BR>Alliance is based. Commitment to these values remains fundamental to NATO&#39;s<BR>partnership policy. Allies and partners remain committed to fulfil in good faith the<BR>obligations of the Charter of the United Nations and the principles of the Universal<BR>Declaration on Human Rights. The Alliance&#39;s partner relationships are based on<BR>reciprocity, mutual benefit and mutual respect.
29 Nov. 2006

Заявление по Итогам Встречи НАТО на Высшем Уровне в Риге - Обнародованное главами государств и правительств, участвовавшими в заседании Североатлантического совета в Риге 29 ноября 2006 г.

19 Jun. 1995

Agreement among the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and ...

19 Jun. 1995

Agreement among the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and ...

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