13 Entries

DateTitle/LocationEvent type
17 May. 2023

Молодежный саммит НАТО 2023 года

04 Jul. 2011

Meeting of the NATO-Russia Council

Sochi (Russian Federation)
04 Jul. 2011

Meeting of the NATO-Russia Council

Sochi (Russian Federation)
16 Oct. 2009

Первый семинар, посвященный Стратегической концепции НАТО

04 Sep. 2009

Meeting of the Group of experts on the new Strategic Concept at NATO Headquarters - 4 September 2009

NATO HQ, Brussels (Belgium)
07 Jul. 2009

Launching NATO’s New Strategic Concept

Palais d’Egmont, Brussels (Belgium)
07 Apr. 2009

Ceremony to mark the accession to NATO of Albania and Croatia at NATO HQ, Brussels on Tuesday 7 April 2009

NATO HQ (Belgium)
10 Mar. 2009

Vice President of the United States visits NATO

NATO HQ, Brussels
05 Mar. 2009

Meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers - NATO HQ, Brussels - 5 March 2009

NATO HQ, Brussels
Foreign Ministers Meeting
05 Mar. 2009

Meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers - NATO HQ, Brussels - 5 March 2009

NATO HQ, Brussels
Foreign Ministers Meeting

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