
by NATO Secretary General, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer to Ukrainian journalists on the 10th anniversary of the NATO-Ukraine partnership

  • 04 Jul. 2007
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  • Last updated: 01 Sep. 2008 17:28

Ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you that it is a particular pleasure for me to join you in this event just a few days before we celebrate the 10th anniversary, and I think that's an important occasion, of the Charter on a Distinctive Partnership between NATO and Ukraine, as you will know without any doubt, signed on the 9th of July 1997.

Now I think that over the past 10 years our partnership has contributed to strengthening security throughout the Euro-Atlantic area by creating effective mechanisms for co-operation between Ukraine and NATO. The NUC, the NATO Ukraine Commission, provides a valuable framework for the development of mutually beneficial defence and military co-operation, but let me also mention scientific, environmental and economic co-operation. I also think that the NATO Ukraine Commission allows Ukraine to profit from NATO's experience and assistance in the conduct of ambitious reforms.

Let me tell you how highly NATO and the Allies appreciate and value Ukraine's substantial contributions to our common security and its efforts to promote regional co-operation. Your continued support, support by Ukraine, for KFOR in Kosovo, the NATO training mission in Iraq and the NATO-led ISAF operation in Afghanistan are very important indeed. And your very effective contribution to the Mediterranean anti-terrorist Operation Active Endeavour, the naval operation, demonstrates our joint solidarity against a terrorist threat which is everywhere as we experience almost on a daily basis, unfortunately.

Now this makes you Ukraine unique because I think Ukraine is the only Partner nation from NATO which is involved in all of NATO's current operations and missions. You are participating in all of them. Now it's clear that this military co-operation has reinforced and is reinforcing NATO-Ukraine partnership and makes a very tangible contribution to international peace and security.

Now what you also have done, and this is also a complicated process I think, you have achieved substantial progress in implementing reforms aimed at aligning the Ukrainian armed forces more closely with NATO standards and I welcome your progress in implementing these key reforms aimed at strengthening your democratic institutions and reforming defence and security sectors.

The joint working group we have on defence reform plays a vital role in the overall transformation of Ukraine's security structures. Let me value and let me appreciate and tell you what you have done in the framework of the recently adopted National Security Strategy of Ukraine. Reforms for the Ministry of the Interior troops and the Intelligence and Security Services are of critical importance and NATO and the NATO Allies are ready to continue to assist you in undertaking these challenging processes.

Let me also mention briefly the NATO Partnership for Peace Trust Fund for the destruction project for surplus munitions, small arms and light weapons, and so-called man-portable air defence systems (the MANPADS). It's the world's largest of its kind and a clear indication of the relevance of the NATO-Ukraine co-operation to the ordinary citizen.

Finally, it's my strong conviction that we should continue to develop this strategically important partnership, including by assisting Ukraine in conducting public information campaigns about NATO and NATO's role in international security. And we are ready to assist in informing the Ukrainian people about NATO-Ukraine co-operation in an accurate and positive way and I think today's meeting with distinguished members of the Ukrainian press proves this commitment. Let me say that we have no intention to sell NATO. NATO is not washing powder. It's not a project you sell. It is an important political military alliance you explain to the Ukrainian people who finally will want to make their own decisions on the course they want to follow.

In conclusion, let me stress that NATO considers our partnership with Ukraine as immensely valuable with plenty of potential for the future and this 10th anniversary is certainly worth celebrating. So once again, I'm very happy to be in your midst and as far as the time allows, I'm ready to take your comments and questions. So once again, good afternoon Ukraine and let me hear what you think and what you find.