by NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoană with the President of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova, Igor Grosu
(As delivered)
Buna ziua la sediul NATO, domnule Presedinte al Parlamentului Republicii Moldova, domnule Presedinte Grosu.
Ma bucur sa va avem ca oaspete in Cartierul General al NATO.
NATO, toti aliatii sustin ferm dreptul Republicii Moldova de a-si decide propriul destin, propriul viitor si politica externa, fara interferente externe si in deplin respect pentru neutralitatea constitutionala a statului.
Salut eforturile Republicii Moldova de intarire a propriei securitati nationale, precum si contributia la securitatea euro-atlantica.
We deeply appreciate your contributions to NATO's peacekeeping mission in Kosovo.
This helps promote stability in this critical region at a time of heightened tensions.
Allies are strongly supportive of Moldova's European integration.
It is key to a bright and prosperous future for the Moldovan citizens.
Aliatii NATO sustin integrarea europeana a Republicii Moldova –este cheia unui viitor prosper si mai stabil pentru cetatenii Moldovei.
Republica Moldova se poate baza pe sustinerea NATO.
You can count on NATO’s support.
We'll continue to work together to increase Moldova's resilience, develop and modernise defence and security institutions.
Grow the capacity of civil servants.
Combat disinformation, respond to cyber threats in many other areas.
Our enhanced defence capacity building package of support answers directly to the government's requests.
Our political dialogue is also growing stronger. We exchange views on the developments in the region and threats and challenges that we face together in Europe.
Next week, I look forward to welcoming Foreign Minister Popescu at the NATO summit in Vilnius.
Parlamentul republicii Moldova, si dumneavoastra domnule Presedinte, jucati un rol important pentru sistemul politic si securitatea Republicii Moldova prin supraveghere si control parlamentar, prin indrumarea si gestionarea legislativa a reformelor si bineinteles prin angajarea democratica a natiunii dumneavoastra.
De asemenea contribuiti la orientarea, echilibrarea discutiilor privind aspecte legate de aparare si securitate.
Dear Speaker Grosu the cooperation between NATO and Moldova, has never been closer.
I am glad to have the opportunity today to discuss how NATO can further support your people and your country.
Bine ati venit la NATO si puteti conta pe sprijinul nostru.