20 Oct. 2022 |
Human Security - Approach and Guiding Principles
21 Oct. 2021 |
Action Plan for the Implementation of the NATO/EAPC Policy on Women, Peace and Security 2021-2025
09 Jul. 2016 |
NATO Building Integrity Policy - Endorsed by the Heads of State and Government participating in the meeting of the North Atlantic Council in Warsaw 8-9 July 2016
19 Jun. 1995 |
Agreement among the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and the other States participating in the Partnership for Peace regarding the Status of their Forces
23 Jun. 2004 |
The Euro-Atlantic Partnership - Refocusing and Renewal
21 Nov. 2002 |
Report on the Comprehensive Review of the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council and Partnership for Peace
01 Apr. 2014 |
NATO/EAPC Policy for the implementation of UNSCR 1325 on Women, Peace and Security and related resolutions
20 May. 2012 |
Chicago Summit Declaration issued by NATO Heads of State and Government (2012)
20 Nov. 2010 |
Lisbon Summit Declaration issued by the Heads of State and Government participating in the meeting of the North Atlantic Council in Lisbon
03 Apr. 2008 |
Bucharest Summit Declaration issued by NATO Heads of State and Government (2008)