Russian version of ''Building Integrity'' Compendium is released

  • 17 Nov. 2011 -
  • |
  • Last updated: 17 Nov. 2011 17:41

Switzerland presented the Russian language version of the publication "Building Integrity and Reducing Corruption in Defence: A Compendium of Best Practices" at NATO Headquarters in Brussels, on 17 November.

The Building Integrity Compendium focuses on concepts and tools to promote good practice in defence management and policy through ‘integrity building’.

Transparency and corruption challenges in the defence sector affect all states. Designed primarily as an introduction and reference tool for defence personnel, the Compendium will also be of interest to civilians in the defence sector and civil society. It offers conceptual and practical advice, together with case studies addressing the full range of security governance activities.

Developing the Russian language version of the Compendium is part of an ongoing commitment to develop tailored practical tools to meet the needs of Allies and partners. The Compendium is already available in English and Ukrainian.

In presenting the Russian language version of the Compendium, Ambassador de Cerjat, Head of the Mission of Switzerland to NATO, underlined Switzerland’s commitment to the Building Integrity Initiative and the development of an enhanced tool kit for the Initiative.

NATO’s Building Integrity Ambassador, Jan Lucas van Hoorn, congratulated Switzerland and the Geneva Center for the Democratic Control of the Armed Forces (DCAF) for their support.

The compendium was produced in 2010 by the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of the Armed Forces in cooperation with NATO, Transparency International UK and other international experts.