NATO multimedia exhibition opens in Bratislava

  • 20 Oct. 2009 -
  • |
  • Last updated: 21 Oct. 2009 17:17

Commemorating NATO’s 60th anniversary and the fifth anniversary of Slovakia joining the Alliance, a multimedia exhibition was put on display for the occasion of the Informal Meeting of NATO Defence Ministers taking place in the Slovak capital on 22 and 23 October.

Dr. Gerlinde Niehus, Head of the Corporate Communication Section of NATO`s Public Diplomacy Division, delivering opening remarks at the opening of the NATO Multimedia Expo in Bratislava.

Featuring touch-screens and embedded flat-panel televisions, an interactive quiz and take-home multimedia and print products, the exhibition targets all age and interest groups. Photos and videos highlight NATO’s core role and new challenges, illustrate some less well-known facets of the Alliance like scientific cooperation and outline NATO’s current operations, capabilities development and partnerships.

“The exhibition shows that securing our future is the collective effort of many, aimed at ensuring the security of many more,” said Dr Gerlinde Niehus of NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division, who jointly opened the exhibition with the State Secretary of Slovakia’s Defence Ministry, Daniel Duchoň.

The exhibition is displayed thanks to the support of the Slovak Defence Ministry and the NATO Depositary Library. It will remain open to the public at the University Library in downtown Bratislava until 3 November.