NATO releases policy on Integrated Air and Missile Defence

  • 13 Feb. 2025 -
  • |
  • Last updated: 13 Feb. 2025 16:11

NATO’s Integrated Air and Missile Defence Policy governs the protection of Alliance territory, populations and forces against any air or missile threat or attack.

Patriot air and missile defence system on display at Allied Air Command (© NATO AIRCOM)

For the first time, NATO has released a public summary of this policy. 

The policy addresses all types of air and missile threats emanating from all directions, at all speeds and all altitudes – from ground to space. It is defensive in nature and covers actions in peacetime, crisis and conflict, from air surveillance to passive and active air and missile defence.

The policy is also essential to guide Allies’ efforts to further strengthen their air defence capabilities.

At NATO’s Defence Ministers meeting on 13 February Allies also launched two new multinational initiatives to develop more efficient solutions to lower-level air threats and enhance passive air surveillance.