NATO launches second cyber defence project with Moldova
The Moldovan Armed Forces are looking to develop and improve their cyber defence capabilities, so as to be able to face sophisticated and emerging cyber threats that may affect the military information networks management and security. On 13 February 2018, NATO and the Republic of Moldova launched a multi-year project to support these efforts under the NATO Science for Peace and Security (SPS) Programme.
“We hope that as a result of the project, the Ministry of Defence shall be in a better position to address a wide range of cyber defence challenges,” said Dr Jamie Shea, NATO Deputy Assistant Secretary General for the Emerging Security Challenges Division. “We also hope that this project will contribute to training and research activities in the field of cyber defence for armed forces personnel and defence and security relevant institutions in Moldova and maybe even extend it to other public institutions.”
One of the main deliveries of the project is to establish the Moldovan Armed Forces Cyber Incident Response Capability with a supporting cyber defence infrastructure.
“Today, we made another step in increasing the practical cooperation between NATO and the Republic of Moldova with the launching of this project. The establishment of a Cyber Incident Response Capability will increase the Ministry of Defence cyber capabilities and will also benefit NATO Allies and partner countries,” said Radu Burduja, General State Secretary of the Ministry of Defence.
This project brings together Moldovan military cyber defence experts and cyber experts from the NATO Communications and Information Agency located in Brussels, Belgium.
This is the third SPS project to be launched under the Defence and Related Security Capacity Building Initiative package for Moldova – two are in the field of cyber defence, including this new project.
An earlier project, completed in 2016, inaugurated a cyber defence laboratory at the Technical University of Moldova, which serves as a research and training centre for Moldovan civil servants as well as for young scientists and students of the university.
The third project supports the country in the implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security through the development of a National Action Plan.