НАТО участвует в прениях в Совете Безопасности ООН по вопросам о женщинах, мире и безопасности и о детях в вооруженных конфликтах
Сегодня (31 октября 2017 г.) Старший советник НАТО по вопросу о детях в вооруженных конфликтах – «Решительная поддержка» г-н Свен Дорниг принял участие в прениях в Совете Безопасности по вопросам о детях в вооруженных конфликтах.
Mr. Dornig briefed Security Council members about NATO’s recent progress in strengthening its child protection architecture, reaffirming its commitment to the “full and effective implementation of Security Council Resolution 1612, as well as subsequent resolutions on children and armed conflict.”
Mr. Dornig also highlighted recent measures taken by NATO’s Resolute Support Mission in Afghanistan to train, assist and advise Afghan National Defence and Security Forces to better protect children from the impact of armed conflict.
This discussion followed another debate on Friday (27 October 2017), on the women, peace and security agenda. NATO’s Liaison Officer to the United Nations, Krisztian Meszaros, briefed Security Council members on the Alliance’s efforts to empower women within NATO, and within the armed forces, civilian structures and societies of Allies and partners. He stressed that empowering women leads to more peaceful, just and inclusive societies and is essential for conflict prevention.
Mr. Meszaros also highlighted that NATO has only seen a small increase in female representation in the armed forces of Allies – an average of 10.9% for 2016, compared to 10.8% for 2015. Stressing that these figures needed improvement, he urged Member States to do their part.