NATO Research Fellowships Programme
NATO Fellowships Winners
Lauréats des Bourses OTAN
- Eric REMACLE - Institutional
- "Parliamentary Scrutiny of Peacekeeping Operations"
(jointly with Prof. Patricia Chilton, Manchester Metropolitan
University, United Kingdom)
- Joe VERHOEVEN - Individual
- Avantages et inconvénients d'une "juridiction" de la sécurité
- J. Laurence BLACK - Individual
- Understanding Russia's Objections to the Expansion of NATO Eastward.
The Implications for NATO
- Albert LEGAULT - Individual (PDF
/ 117Kb)
- L'OTAN élargie: Faut-il prévoir de nouveaux mécanismes
de résolution des conflits et de nouveaux processus décisionnels?
- Jacques LEVESQUE - Individual
- L'élargissement de l'OTAN et le comportement internationale
de la Russie.
- Aliénor BENOIST - Individual (PDF
/ 58Kb)
- Structure du systme d'information et politique des médias
en Serbie, Croatie et Bosnia-Herzégovine.
- Frédérique BESSON - Individual (withdrew from programme)
- Les relations entre la Turquie et l'Asie Centrale dans le cadre
des organisations internationales ou régionales.
- Patrick KLEIN - Individual (PDF / 169Kb)
- Le renforcement de la dimension européenne de l'Alliance
Atlantique: efforts et ambitions de la France.
- Dimitris KERIDIS - Individual (PDF
/ 111Kb)
- Greek-Turkish Relations After the Cold War - A Study in Foreign
Policy Formation
- Panayotis TSAKONAS - Individual (PDF
/ 168Kb)
- Creating Conditions of Stability in South Eastern Europe - Prospects
for an Arms Control Regime
- Despina TAXIARCHI - Individual
- NATO's Enlargement: The Implications for the Balkan States
- Fabrizio PAGANI - Individual (PDF
/ 58Kb)
- Are National Doctrines for Peace Operations Compatible ? A Review
of the National Doctrines for Peace Operations and of How They Fit into
the NATO Doctrine
- Marco CESA - Individual (PDF
/ 66Kb)
- Beyond East-West Security: NATO's Functions of Management and
the Stability of the International System
- Filippo ANDREATTA - Individual (PDF
/ 80Kb)
- European Integration and Transatlantic Relations
- Roberto MENOTTI - Institutional (PDF
/ 119Kb)
- "NATO's Mediterranean Dialogue initiative: Italian positions,
interests, perceptions, and the implications for Italy-US relations"
- Goran JOVANOVIC - Individual (.PDF / 142Kb)
- Le dessin de presse, l'OTAN et la guerre en Bosnie, 1992-1995
- Fernando REINARES NESTARES - Individual (PDF
/ 128Kb)
- Transnational Organized Crime as an Increasing Threat to the National
Security of NATO Member States
- David GARCIA - Individual (PDF
/ 130Kb)
- The Relations between the European Union and the United States.
The Implementation Problem of the New Transatlantic Agenda's First Objective
- Monica SAN JOSE ROCA - Individual (PDF
/ 408Kb)
- Le renforcement du pillier européen de la sécurité
- Suha BOLUKBASIOGLU - Individual (PDF
/ 69Kb)
- The Enlargement of NATO and the Turkish Public Opinion
- Mustafa TÜRKES - Individual (PDF
/ 63Kb)
- The Attitudes and Roles of Turkey in NATO's Extending Relations
with the East-Central European Countries
United Kingdom
- Richard WHITMAN - Individual (PDF
/ 96Kb)
- "The Security Challenge of Europe's Southern Flank: A Comparison
of NATO, EU and WEU Policies and Objectives"
- Michael CODNER - Individual (PDF
/ 113Kb)
- The Effects of Technological Innovation and Development on Inter-Operability
Within the Alliance and With Coalition Partners
- Eric GROVE - Individual
- The Changing European Security Architecture: The Future of NATO
United States
- Thomas Alan SCHWARTZ - Individual (PDF / 98Kb)
- "NATO, Europe, and the Johnson Administration: Alliance Politics,
Political Economy, and the Beginning of Detente, 1963-1969"
- Robert P. GRANT - Individual (PDF
/ 84Kb)
- Coalitions of the Willing: NATO and Post-Cold War Military Intervention
- Vladimir BROVKIN - Individual (PDF
/ 68Kb)
- Discourse on NATO Expansion in Russia