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Updated: 16-Feb-2001 | NATO Information |
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INDEX 1. Introduction 1.1 Foreword 2. Inspected areas 3. Measurement procedures 3.1 measurement instrumentation employed on site 4. Radiological evaluations 5. Recommended precaution measures 6. Briefing to the Minister of Defense 7. Conclusive remarks
Radioprotection evaluations relative to the use of depleted Uranium in Kosovo |
1. Introduction
1.1 Foreword
Following the war in Kosovo and the consequent environmental
inspections performed by expert technicians from CISAM
(November 1999, April and August 2000) a CISAM team was
formally tasked to continue environmental inspections
at Italfor-Kosovo already underway by disposition n. COI/J4L/25780
of 18 November 2000.
Members of the CISAM team were Rear Admiral (Naval Arms)
Francesco Andreuccetti, CISAM Director, Dr. Vittorio Sabbatini,
Director of the Nuclear Office, certified expert of 3rd
level and Physicist Director Dr. Armando Benedetti, certified
expert of 3rd level. The environment radiological tests
were performed within the period of 21 to 24 November
2000 with the cooperation of the NBC Company led by Cpt.
Daniele Pisani.
1.2 Inspection goals
· to inspect areas affected by the utilization
of DU ammunition already subjected to environmental tests,
particularly around the city of Dakovica.
· to comply with requests of technical information
submitted by members of the Italian press, particularly
representatives of the national radio and TV (RAI) present
in the area of Italfor-Kosovo.
· to draft transportation documents on the environment
samples provided by members of the Multinational Brigade,
to be analysed in the CISAM laboratory.
· to draft transportation documents on samples
drawn by UNEP (United Nations Environmental Protection)providing
transportation of the same to Italy for direct consignment
to ANPA (National Agency for the Protection of the Environment).
· to brief the Ministry of Defense on the program
of protective actions and environmental checks performed
by CISAM in reference to the use of DU ammunition.
If during the inspection of the Dakovica area the situation
required it, the following actions would have been undertaken
in compliance with the protection norms in force:
· identification and classification of radioactive
· fencing of areas presenting ionizing radiation
· verification of protective devices and instrumentation.
· radioprotection and environmental evaluation
· indication of eventual, necessary actions to
be undertaken
1.3 Directions to personnel
During the various phases of the operation the Italian
military personnel has been informed on
· incumbent, specific risks
· preventive protection measures to be adopted
2. Controlled areas
The areas listed below are those near Dakovica subjected to radiological checks and radioprotection tests.
a) north of the city, close to the dam on lake Radonjicko
b) ex VJ Barracks on the way to the Moribas Pass, by the
bridge on the River Beladrin.
In order to monitor the unfolding of the radiological
situation in the above mentioned areas, radiometric measurements
have been taken and drawing of environmental samples,
biological indicators in particular, has taken place.
In the same areas the following items have been identified,
collected and conditioned:
1 shell and 1 fragment of a DU projectile weighing about
50 grams.
Inspection of e B area was carried out in the presence
of Mr. paolo Di Giannantonio, reporter for the Italian
National Radio and Television (RAI); also witness of the
activity was LTC Scalas, public information officer for
the Multinational Brigade West.
3. Measurement procedures
3.1 Measurement instrumentation utilized on site.
The following portable monitors have been utilized to
assess the radilogical situation in the tested areas.
· automess/Kerma rateo in air with extention probe
· ROTEM DA-3 with beta-gamma GM-10 probe
3.2 Formalities for the drawing of environmental samples
Samples have been drawn from the areas subjected to radioprotection
tests for the lab measurements to be carried ot in the
Health-Physics and Radioprotection departments of the
CISAM Nuclear Office.
Two kinds of samples have been drawn: soil samples and
biological indicator samples. The soils samples have been
drawn according to the standard procedures indicated in
the NATO proceduced SIRA document. Samples from the mentioned
formal inspection and those gathered by the NBC Company
during the UNEP campaign have been transferred to CISAM
for lab measurements. Moreover, transportation documents
for the UNEP samples and delivery of the same to ANPA,
Italy, have been provided.
3.3 Measurements
The rateo dose density measurements performed on the
shell found near the dam on the lake of Dakovica, have
shown values up to a maximum of 2 microGy/h and up to
5.5 microGy/h in correspondence of the contaminated hole
left in the ground. The verified dose intensities have
decreased to a level where values could not be distinguished
from those present in the environment at a distance of
30 cm from the residues. On the contrary, measurements
performed on the projectile section of a depleted Uranium
shell found near the Dakovica barracks have shown a Kerma
rateo in air of about 200 microGy/h with a circular irradiation
field measurable up to 2.5 m from the projectile side.
After the fragment has been screened and secured, the
measurements taken have shown dose intensity values up
to maximum of 1 microGy/h.
On site instrumental, environmental measurements performed
on the soil have confirmed the values of superficial contamination
and of Kerma rateo measured in previous inspections. Lab
measurements are contemplated for the samples delivered
to CISAM. These measurements being of considerably higher
sensitivity, will allow for an evaluation of the DU concentration
and for the identification of eventual, additional radioisotopes.
4. Radiological evaluations
The following, pertinent radiological observations are
reported for radioprotection purpose.
According to legislative decree 230/95 in force, depleted
Uranium is radioactive material belonging to low toxicity
(4th group). Thu, the quantity that would determine the
compulsive application of this protective norm is 5 MBq,
where the level of concentration 1Bq/g existing in the
concerned material were to exceed simultaneously. The
total DU radioactivity in a 300 gram projectile is approximately
4 MBq, therefore the level in one projectile falls below
the limits for the application of the mentioned decree
Worth remembering is that by the same decree, the annual
limit of intake is 40 Bq for the Y type (highly insoluble
oxides generated by the interaction of DU with the environment).
The presence of DU generates protection problems illustrated
as results of precedent inspections, which are summarized
as follows:
· irradiation from DU shells and/or their parts
in the area of their permanence.
· DU incorporation due to careless handling.
Measurements performed on site during the present inspection confirm that where DU has been utilized, external exposure risks of considerable entity exist in case of extended permanence close to the shells, along with a risk of incorporation when operations in the affected areas are carried out ignoring the established, protective measures.
5. Precaution measures
The precaution measures adopted as result of previous inspections in order to keep to a minimum risks from ionizing radiations caused by DU, are to be deemed still valid and are epitomized by the following, important ones:
a) permanence of personnel in the areas affected by DU
ammunition to be reduced to the strictly essential.
b) personnel operating in these areas to be escorted by
NBC Company personnel.
c) DU projectiles and shells found during the inspections
to be collected according to established norms and stored
in a designated depot.
6. Briefing to the Minister of Defense
On 23 November 2000, during the presence of the CISAM
team, a visit by the Minister of Defense, Hon. Mattarella,
took place at Italfor-Kosovo in Pec.Following the briefing
by Gen. Torelli, Cdr of the Multinational Brigade West
and by Gen. Cabiggioso, KFOR Commander, on the operations
performed by the Italian military in Kosovo, Dr. Sabbatini
illustrated the CISAM activity as outlined in the paper
"Radioprotection evaluations relative to the use
of depleted Uranium in Kosovo".
Copy of this document is reported in appendix.
7 Conclusive remarks
The areas in Kosovo assigned to the Italian troups that
have been subjected to radiological checks, have been
evaluated by CISAM with regards to the effects caused
by the use of depleted Uranium occurred in the spring
of 1999. CISAM paid particular attention to the evaluation
of irradiation and incorporation risks caused by the presence
of DU and its dispersion. The implementation of preventive
measures in force for sometime causes the doses, eventually
absorbed by the personnel operating in the mentioned areas,
to be comparable in intensity to those existing in the
natural environment. Additional samples now being examined
in the CISAM labs will make the monitoring of the evolving,
present situation possible.
The UNEP samples have been handed over to the ANPA personnel
at the Fiumicino, Rome airport.