October 1997
Chapter 8: Consumer Logistics
Hierarchy of Logistic Documents
803. The logistics doctrinal structure for consumer
logistics matters is depicted in the following diagram:
Diagram 1: Doctrinal structure
- Multinational Logistics
Policy documents are developed at the highest NATO
levels. Alliance Committees, such as AC/305 - Senior NATO Logisticians'
Conference submit recommendations for approval to the
Military Committee (MC) followed by endorsement by
the Council.
These strategic level policies are then published as
MC documents, and include:
- MC 319/1
- NATO Principles and Policies for Logistics;
- MC 334/1
- Host Nation Support (HNS) Planning;
- MC 336/1
- Movement and Transportation Concept
for NATO; and
- MC 326
- Medical Support Precepts and Guidance
for NATO (1).
- Multinational Logistics
Doctrine documents are distributed as Allied Joint
Publications (AJP); such as:
- AJP 4
- Logistics (2);
- AJP 8
- Resources and Finances;
- AJP 9
- Civil-Military Cooperation.
The AJPs provide foundational logistic doctrine under which more detailed logistic techniques and procedures are established,
- Allied Logistics Publications
(ALP) are supporting component Multinational Logistics Doctrines; such as:
- ALP 9
- for Land Forces;
- ALP 10
- for Air Forces (2);
- ALP 11
- for Maritime forces; and
- ALP 12
- for Host Nation Support.
- Multinational Logistics Techniques and Procedures
Multinational logistics techniques and procedures
are described in Major NATO Command (MNC) level documents as well as applicable NATO Standardization Agreements (STANAGs) and other documents. Example: BiMNC Directive for Host Nation Support (HNS).
- Multinational Logistics Planning
Logistics planning documents are generally
developed at MNC level and below and include the logistic
elements of General Operational Plans (GOP) and other
logistics functional planning. Example: Functional
Planning Guide - Logistics.
developed under the responsibility of the Committee of the Chiefs of Military Medical Services in NATO (COMEDS)
under development