Part III: Measures For Practical Co-Operation In Peacekeeping
- Development of a Common Understanding of Operational
Concepts and Requirements for Peacekeeping
- Objectives:
To develop a common understanding of operational concepts and requirements for peacekeeping by exchanging experiences, ideas, and doctrines; to examine concepts and doctrine with a view to the development of common guidelines in support of peacekeeping.
- Actions:
- To exchange national concepts and doctrine on peacekeeping within the Ad Hoc Group.
- To consider jointly conceptual aspects of peacekeeping, to exchange experiences in peacekeeping operations and to compare peacekeeping doctrines at a conference of high level political and military representatives, which is now scheduled for the period 30th June to 2nd July 1993 and will be hosted by the Czech Republic.A detailed report on the seminar will be prepared by the NATO Secretariat and the NATO Military Authorities and will be submitted to the Ad Hoc Group in September 1993.Lessons drawn from this conference and future action will be considered by the Group.
- To exchange experiences in peacekeeping, taking into account experiences in operations related to the former Yugoslavia, making use, inter alia, of all available opportunities of meetings of high level military representatives.A first such exchange took place during the meeting of Chiefs of Defence Staff in Co-operation Session, on 28th April 1993.The Ad Hoc Group welcomed the written report provided by the Chairman of the Military Committee in Chiefs of Staff Session with Co-operation Partners.
- Elements for further development
Continuation of an organised exchange of experiences within the Ad Hoc Group building on the results of the Prague seminar, with a view to the further development of common guidelines in support of peacekeeping, set out in paragraphs 1 to 6 of this report.
- Co-operation in Planning for Peacekeeping Activities
- Objectives:
To identify and examine principal planning issues, commencing initially with key issues such as command and control; to compare and harmonise planning methods and procedures, so as to facilitate the ability of Partners to co-operate practically in peacekeeping and to develop an understanding of assets required and resources available for contributions both to preparations for peacekeeping and to peacekeeping operations themselves.
- Actions:
To facilitate co-operative peacekeeping planning activity, starting with a discussion in the Ad Hoc Group.Discussions should cover initially:
- assets and capabilities required for peacekeeping,
- the possibility and utility of developing a data base of available resources (e.g. personnel, equipment, forces, infrastructure, and supplies), perhaps using an appropriate questionnaire,
- the requirements for forces, procedures and equipment to facilitate co-operation in peacekeeping.
- Elements for further development
Each of the areas set out at b. above should be the subject of reports to the Ad Hoc Group by the Military Authorities.There were valuable results in this respect at the meeting of the MCCS with Co-operation Partners on 28th April. Further reports should cover:
- Identification of capabilities which could be made available to the UN or CSCE, subject to consideration on a case-by-case basis
- developing a common understanding on planning areas (command control, communication and information systems, support, logistic military information, rules of engagement, education, etc.) on the basis of the general principles, criteria and guidelines set out in Parts I and II.
- Development of a Common Technical Basis in Peacekeeping
- Objectives:
To identify technical aspects of peacekeeping in order to develop a common basis and understanding.These might include, interalia, terminology, interoperability issues, and procedural matters.
- Actions:
- To create an Ad Hoc Technical Sub-Group reporting to the Ad Hoc Group and with the participation of the Military Authorities, under the chairmanship of ASG DPP, to identify issues and methods of co-operation on the basis of national contributions and a report by the NATO Military Authorities building on their own contacts with Co- operation Partners.
- One action that has already been completed was a workshop, held in, and organised by, the Netherlands, on 'Communications for Peacekeeping Operations'. A summary of the report of that workshop is attached as Annex A.
- As further steps,
- To hold a workshop to cover additional technical aspects, such as infrastructure in support of peacekeeping and equipment interoperability, and
- to conduct research into technical aspects of peacekeeping, inter alia, peacekeeping terminology, interoperability issues and procedural matters, based on proposals to be developed further by the United States and other delegations.
- Elements for further development
The following are areas on which the group might focus initially in considering interoperability issues
- Equipment
- Communications
- Transportation
- Petrol, Oil and Lubricants
- Ammunition
- Organisation and Procedures
- Command and Control
- Communications
- Transportation
- Materials Handling
- Medical Support
Further details on a number of these areas are dealt with in paragraphs 10 and 11.Proposals for development of these elements will be considered by the Ad Hoc Technical Sub-Group.
- Peacekeeping Training, Education and Exercises
- Objectives:
To share experiences and to develop practical co-operation in the fields of training, education and exercises, in order to develop common training standards, enhance interoperability and improve operational effectiveness.
- Actions:
- As a first step, information will be exchanged in the Ad Hoc Technical Sub-Group on national training programmes for peacekeeping.The exchange will include, inter alia, information on the structure of training, training facilities and the subjects covered in the training programmes. On this basis, the Ad Hoc Group will consider the scope for common training programmes and standards for national individuals and forces involved in peacekeeping, and the feasibility of peacekeeping exercises, including objectives, character and financial and other resources implications.
- To conduct a pilot course for unit commanders on peacekeeping, with an initial course to be organised by the Czech Republic at Cesky Krumlov from the 17th May until the 11th June.
- The seminar on training, scheduled to take place in Bucharest, 18th-21st October 1993, as part of the Military Co-operation Programme, may also focus on Peacekeeping.
- To conduct a workshop of civil and military experts to explore the feasibility of joint exercises in peacekeeping, concentrating initially on humanitarian missions, including the management of refugee movements, the distribution of essential supplies, and the organisation of medical assistance.
- To conduct a course on peacekeeping at the SHAPE school in Oberammergau, Germany from 8th to 11th November 1993.
- To conduct a seminar in Copenhagen, 17th-19th November 1993, on "Peacekeeping Experiences:Generation, Training and Education, and Planning - the Applicability of the Nordic Approach to Co-operation in Peacekeeping".
- To make places available to NACC members, whenever practicable, on national specialised peacekeeping courses.
- To expand the national logistics peacekeeping training course in Norway to include additional places for officers from NACC members.
- Elements for further development
It is proposed that discussions and exchanges on peacekeeping training use the following framework.For Units, Commanders and Staff Personnel:
- Basic Military Training
- Specialised Training (specific training for any peacekeeping mission)
- Orientation Training/Education (for a particular mission)
Further detail on (1) to (3) above is attached as Annex B.
The Ad Hoc Technical Sub-Group should examine these issues further in the light of the seminars and courses which have now been arranged.
- Logistics Aspects of Peacekeeping
- Objectives:
To identify specific logistics issues within peacekeeping operations and to consider possibilities for co-operation in the logistics area.
- Actions:
- The International Secretariat will present proposals for a specific programme in this area to the Ad Hoc Group, taking into account national contributions and the work of the NATO Military Authorities.
- To organise a seminar on logistics in Norway.This seminar has been scheduled for 1st-5th November 1993 and a detailed programme has been presented to the Ad Hoc Group.
- Elements for Further Development:
- Canada is considering organising a workshop on logistics support for peacekeeping which would be conducted after completion of its current work on a new UN Logistics Peacekeeping Manual.The Ad Hoc Group may consider the follow-on requirement for a training course for logisticians incorporating elements of this and other similar endeavours.
- Logistics experts will contribute actively to all endeavours under paragraphs 7 to 10, which have logistical implications.
- Possible approaches to increased effectiveness of logistic support in co- operative peacekeeping to be discussed by Ad Hoc Group building on common logistic planning principles:
- UN field service
- National responsibility
- Multinational pools
- Mutual assistance, role specialisation
- Lead nation
- Host nation
The International Staff will submit detailed
proposals to the Ad Hoc Group for taking
these issues further, on the basis of
contributions by NACC member states and
NATO's military authorities, taking into
account the results of the logistics seminar
to be held in Norway.In this context
consideration might be given to the need to
establish an Ad Hoc Logistics Sub-Group.